Setting up your first A/B Test

We’re excited you’re choosing Simple A/B Test to run your first Split Test experiment. As the name suggests, this process is easy and should only take you a few minutes to get started.

Getting signed up

If you haven’t already, you should get signed up and create and account.

No credit cards required or anything - your first test is on us! We just need the basic details to create an account and that’s it.

Getting your website ready

Embedding ab.js

Getting your website set up to be able to run A/B tests is super simple. You’ll need to place the following code in the header of your website which will fetch your tests, and report back views and clicks to allow us to calculate which variant is performing best.

<script src="" async></script>

Setting up your first test

For our website, lets say we want to test the Call To Action message. As you can see from the below image, we have added id="selector" to our <h2> tag. You can call it what ever you like, but it should be unique for each test. The contents of this h2 tag should also be empty as we will be populating it through our test.

adding an id to an h2 tag so we can load our tests

Finally, we need to add a conversion event. For this, similar to creating the selector id attribiute, we’ll create add id="trigger" to our button.

Creating your first test in the dashboard

All that remains is to create the variants and launch the test.

Go ahead and navigate to the create test page. Here you’ll be able to enter the test name, the variants and the attributes we created earlier to load in the tests as well as record the conversion event.

setting up a test in the simple a/b test dashboard

Now just hit “Run test” and your new split test is live. Half of your visitors will see variant A and the other half will see your B variant.

When someone clicks the on the conversion event, we record it and it will count towards which ever event was presented to the user at the time of the click. With enough visitors you should reach statistical significance and you’ll soon be able to tell which variant performs best, allowing you to optimise your website and improve its performance.

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