The Simple A/B Test Blog

Setting up your first A/B Test

We’re excited you’re choosing Simple A/B Test to run your first Split Test experiment. As the name suggests, this process is easy and should only take you a few minutes to get started. Getting s...

How to set up a marketing experiment comparing two variants

The New York Times ran a crossword puzzle with the clue “a marketing experiment comparing two variants” but for those who want to dig a little deeper than the answer, what is an A/B Test and why ...

How to optimize login screens

Spending time to optimize login screens can hugely improve your websites overall performance. A seamless and efficient login page not only simplifies the user experience of the website but will also ...

A/B Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

A/B testing, also sometimes known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a website to determine which one performs better. It’s a nice and simple way to test changes to your web...

How to use A/B Testing for Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is a crucial aspect of enhancing your online presence and ensuring that your digital efforts yield the best possible results. Whether you’re running an e-commerce...

How to A/B test landing pages

Landing pages are an important part of websites, often used to promote a feature, a product or a specific sale. These pages have one purpose and one purpose only: to convert. So how can you use A/B T...

A/B Testing Basics - Set your Tests Up for Success

When every click counts, A/B testing is one of the many tools that product managers use to improve conversions and boost those important numbers. Split testing is a systematic method that involves co...

A/B Testing Benefits Explained: Why should I use it?

Businesses are constantly striving to improve their online presence and user experience. To achieve this, we rely on various tools and strategies such as A/B testing. In this blog post, we’ll look ...

Understanding AB Testing Statistical Significance

Businesses often rely on A/B testing to make informed decisions about their products and services. A/B testing is a powerful method for comparing two or more variations of a webpage, app, or marketin...

A Simple Guide to AB Testing for Product Managers

As a product manager, you’re constantly striving to improve your product and boost its performance. AB testing for product managers is a powerful technique that can empower you to make data-driven ...

Visual A/B Testing: How to Optimise Your Design Effortlessly

First impressions are more crucial than ever - whether it’s a website, a mobile app, or a marketing email, the visual design plays a pivotal part in capturing the attention of your audience. But de...

What is A/B testing?

When running an online businesses, making informed decisions is crucial. Imagine you run an online store and want to increase your sales. How do you know which changes to your website will work best?...

A/B Testing Technical Dictionary

Technical terms don’t need to be scary or complicated. We’ve compiled a list of technical terms related to a/b testing which you may often come across, and we’ve also included a simple explanat...

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